Saturday, October 5, 2013

Blog 6V

Just keep swiming 

Every one has Persistence, most people were born with it and most people developed it. This word means to not give up at something, to keep trying and to keep at it. No one gives up easy; we give it a few goes before one gives up. This reminds me of the movie Finding Nemo. The part of the movie that I am most referring to is when Dori starts to sing, "Just keep swimming" no matter what danger they are about to face Dori still has faith that they will find Nemo. This part of the movie can teach someone so much, not to give up no matter what happens and keep fighting for what you want in life.

Two other words that i have learned this week was assumption and overriding. Assumption means to guess before knowing the full story of what is going on or what happened. Overriding means to move over something and to take control of the situation. 

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