Thursday, September 19, 2013

Blog 4B

Would the test be affected if someone was just hungry?

This is one of the questions I have come up with for my inquiry question this week. What if the test subject didn’t eat around the time the test was going to be given and was growing hungry? When they see the food/sweet there taste buds go crazy so now they are starving and are more tempted to eat. If they wait the reward will be greater than what is on the table, the debate is on. Eat now and not wait or wait and get more, but it’s a 15 minute wait can I do this? Not everyone is the same at least some people I know will grab the food right then and there just to satisfy the hunger for the time being.

Everyone has heard this song from their childhood for the most part, “Who stole the cookie from the cookie jar.” This song reminds me of the marshmallow test. If you put someone’s favorite treat or food in front of them and they will be tempted to eat it. It’s there one weakness, and it is hard to fight the temptation. But if you ask me this test doesn’t test the ability of one’s gratification. This test to me studies how patient someone can be, I don’t think this one test will be able to determine how successful someone will be in the future. Say if one of the test subjects had passed the test but took a complete 360 and didn’t do well in their future what does that say about the test? Just testing people with food won’t show you anything about their gratification, but it will show you who is hungry and who can wait to eat and get more food.

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