Saturday, September 7, 2013

Blog 2V

What is Initiative?

Well I would say initiative is the ability to do something when you are ready, taking the leap and jump first. Everyone is born with is but it is up to them to do with it what they must. Even though this is my starting year in college I would say a lot of people have initiative. A lot of people are eager to learn so they take the first leap.
Greyson Chance - Waiting outside the Lines
Some words that I know but found more in depth about was; nonsensical and exposed. Nonsensical is a new word for me I found out that it means to not make any sense or little sense. Exposed is not so much as a new word but to my belief it only meant for information to get out, but it means more than that. It means more it means to be vulnerable and open to be taken advantage of. I love learning new words each week.

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