Saturday, November 9, 2013

Blog 11A

Questions to You
11 weeks ago I started my first day at SCSU. It seems just like yesterday I was still in high school. For the past 11 weeks I have been taking notes and reading articles and what I have done was came up with 4 questions that I would think to be on an quiz or test for my class. The questions that I have come up with are:

1. When we ignore how innovation works, why does it make what is happening right in front of us hard to see?
2. What is fear of disconnection? Why do some people fear losing social media the most?

3. Out of the 32 innovations which is believed to be the most helpful to everyday life?

4. Why is it that we overlook the important role on inspiration?

Out of all of these the one that I think will be on a quiz or test is:

 “What is fear of disconnection? Why do some people fear losing social media the most?”

Fear of disconnection is when one person fears of being alone and by themselves. It is also the fear of being alone, disconnected and forgotten.

The reason why I believe this question will be on a quiz or test is because this can be more of a survey like questions where there can be a variety of answers but they all lead back to one main goal. Even though this is an open question this can be narrowed down to just one answer, which will be the pattern for most people. When I thought of this question it made me think of teens and technology. The reason to this is because most teens love their cellphones. Which this can become a problem, since teens have grown up with cellphones and technology when they get there phone taken away they will be upset.

That is why teens fear losing technology more than anyone else because that is how they keep in contact with everyone. Even though this can also be a positive thing because technology has evolved to the point where people can do homework online or go to school online. Some people do live for their technology.

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